Nov 2, 2021·
Jacob Haimes
Jacob Haimes
Lawrence Smith

While obtaining my Master’s Degree, I collaborated closely with the MACLab, a lab located at the University of Colorado’s Boulder campus which is led by Dr. Robert MacCurdy.

In order to conduct the research which would be presented in the papers Stretching the Boundary and Automated Synthesis of Bending Pneumatic Soft Actuators, we first had to design a seemless pipeline which would take in a Computational Pattern Producing Network (CPPN), generate a corresponding mesh, run some set of simulations using that mesh, and return desired metrics from that simulation.

Our solution was the CPPN2Sim package, which accomplishes this task when used in conjunction with Matlab, Abaqus, and GIBBON.

This package was used heavily for both of the aforementioned conference papers.