HoPE Against HoPE
May 1, 2022·

Jacob Haimes
Previous work in both the optimization and biological modeling fields have produced evolution inspired algorithms and highly accurate species specific models of animal behavior, respectively. An intuitive extension to these concepts is the application of those aforementioned algorithms upon the behavioral model frameworks. By clearly articulating our thought process throughout this endeavor we attempt to illuminate foundational concepts in both fields, while also creating a blueprint for the application of optimization on biologically inspired agent based models.
Biologically Inspired Multi-Agent Systems was a course I attended during my final semester of obtaining my Master’s Degree. As the name suggests, this course uses examples of biological phenomena to inform design of algorithms.
In HoPE Against HoPE, the report below, I explore optimization through the use of genetic algorithms aided by the framework of the HoPE model. HoPE, researched and created by Papadopoulou et al., is an agent-based model that accurately simulates the behavior of a flock of homing pigeons when they are under attack from a falcon-like predator. For more information, please read the paper below.